A 35yr old male with slurring of speech and difficulty in walking
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Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.
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A 35yr old male came to the hospital with chief complaints of:
1. slurred speech since yesterday night,
2. Tingling sensation of bilateral upoer and lower limbs since yesterday night .
3. Difficulty in walking associated with diplopia since yesterday night
History of fall from bed yesterday night at 3am and was hit to a hard object from then he developed slurred speech and difficulty in walking.
He was apparently asymptomatic since yesterday when he had a history of fall from bed yesterday night at 3am and was hit to a hard object from then he developed slurred speech and difficulty in walking. Along with which the was tingling sensation in bilateral upper and lower limbs .
Intake of phenytoin 100mg(60tablets)on 2nd of September for suicidal attempt.
Past history of sucudal attampts :
1.10yrs back
2.10 days back with 10tablets of phenytoin (did not revel till 2days of admission).
No bowel and bladder incontinence.,
No h/o nausea, vomiting, fever, chestpain, palpitations, blurring of vision, burning micturition
No injuries to spine and no tenderness in spine region
K/c/o seizures since 12years on regular medication on phenytoin. Since past 8months he is on levipill.
Not a k/c/o DM, HTN, ASTHMA
no habits of alcohol intake or smoking.
No similar complaints in the past ., no past surgical history.
Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative.
Moderately built and nourished.
Vitals -
Temp- Afebrile
Bp- 160/110mmHg
PR- 78bpm
RR- 18cpm
Pallor +, icterus, cyanosis , clubbing, pedal edema, lymphadenopathy.
Shape - scaphoid
No Tenderness and local rise of temperature
No palpable mass
No organomegaly
Hernial orifices free
Bowel sounds present
Position of trachea central
No wheeze
No adventitious breath sounds
S1S2 heard
No murmurs
Apex beat not felt
Pt is C,C oriented to T/P/P Right handed person
Speech- Slow, slurred, unintentional pauses present(Improved)
1. Orientation- 5/5, 5/5
2. Registration- 3/3
3. Recall- 3/3
4. Attention & Calculation- 5/5
5. Language- 2/2
Cranial Nerve Examination
I - Sense of smell- N
II- a. visual acuity-N
b. Field of vision-N
c. Colour vision-N
d. Fundus-N
III, IV, V- a) EOM movements-both rt and lt normal
b) pupil size-2-3mm
c) Direct light reflex/ Consensual reflex/ accomadation reflex +
d) Ptosis -
e) Nystagmus PRESENT(Horizontal).
V Sensory-Overface & busal mucosa- normal
Motor-Masseter, Temporalis, pterygoid-normal
Reflexes-Corneal, Conjunctival- normal
Jaw jerk not present.
VII Motor
1. Naselabial fold Equal on both sides
2. occipitofrontalis +
3. Orbiculasis oculi +
4. Oribiculas oris +
5. Buccinator +
1. Taste over anterior 2/3 rd of tongue +
VIII Rinnes test- Could not perform
Webers test -Could not perform
IX, X 1. Uvula Central, Palatal arclus- Equal, Movements
2. Gag reflex +
3. palatal reflex+
XI 1. Trapezius - shrugging of shoulders present
2. Sternocleilomastoid -normal
XII 1. wasting -no
2. Fasciculation- no
3. tongue profusion to mid line
Motor system examination
Right Left
Shoulder- Flexion-Extension-5/5 5/5
Lateral-Medinlatation-5/5 5/5
Adduction-Abduction-5/5 5/5
Pronation-Supination-5/5 5/5
Elbow and wrist -5/5
Hand Grip-100% on both sides
Rt Lt
Hip- Flexion-Extension-5/5 5/5
Lateral-Medinlrotation-5/5 5/5
Adduction-Abduction-5/5 5/5
Pronation-Supination-5/5 5/5
Knee- Flexion-Extension-5/5 5/5
Ankle- Dorsiflusion-planter flusion-5/5 5/5
Inversion-Eversion-5/5 5/5
Trunk muscles- Rolling over bed-Can perform
Superficial reflexes
1. Corneal +
2. Conjunctival +
3. Phayayeal +
4. Palateal +
5. Abdominal +
6. Cremasteric +
Deep tender refection
Rt lt
1. Biceps + +
2. Triceps ++ ++
3. Sipinator - -
4. Knee - -
5. Ankle - -
Cerebellar Examination
1. Finger nose test -
2. Finger nose finger test -
3. Dysdindokinesia -
4. Heel knee test -
5. Tanders walking- cannot be done
Sensory System Examination
1. Crude touch +
2. Pain +
3. Temperature +
Posterior Column
1. Fine touch +
2. Vibration -
3. Position sense+
1. Two point discrimination -
2. Tartile localisation+
3. Graphosthesia+
4. Sterogenosis+
Examination of spine->N
Examination of other systems- NAD(+)
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